♥My Epic Viewers!!!♥

MSP....have you been captured by take-away loving aliens!?!?!

Seriously has MSP been taken over by ALIENS! what is up with their new BG! Burgers Seriously when I logged on I had, like, the biggest surprise EVER! I mean, burgers seriously! Maybe MSP have been hypnotized by burger loving aliens! If you don't know what I'm talking about here's a picture.

And if that wasn't enough they only went and made the VIP pack look like an explosion at McDonalds! Here take a look.

I think the chip dress is awful and if you look closer to the bottom of the dress it looks like popcorn. The hair would be nice if it wasn't for the bag of chips on it. I guess the shoes are alright even though they have chips on them and what is that milkshake in the top right corner! Is that a room accessory or a toy for a pet! I don't know but the should get rid of it! ... Well at least MSP give you presents! Mind you they might have food in them you know!
Stay Cool On MSP, guys!! BTW ~ Sorry this post is so long! :) ~

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